
Showing posts from 2011

Nine Companies every MBA exemplifies to exaggerate answers in exams!

This struck me while writing an exam this morning. Trust me, every MBA student will need these to make a 5 mark answer look like a big long 10 marker. MBA exams are all about this. There are a handful of concepts and there are numerous situations you need to apply these to. Here is my account of what I quoted in each trimester of MBA, in those 50 courses if I must mention. Although, I do admit that this is purely my personal discretion, as is every answer in an exam you write. Microsoft Corp : This is a life saver for any plus you want to support with an example. Be it valuation, growth, management leadership, cloud computing, technological advancements, IPOs and stock splits this is a Godly company to save you in an exam. This exceptional performance can be attributed to 'disintegration' of value chain , establishment of a 'de facto standard' and cornerstoning.              Apple Inc. : always for Innovation, competition and distinctive ad-campai...