What Diwali Brings Back to me...
This blog post is very dissimilar to all the blog posts here till date. I am only writing this post to share a personal incident that necessarily springs back to me every Diwali, or in the days nearing it to be more appropriate as and when I start hearing the sound of firecrackers bursting, just like the time when I am penning this down. The year was 2005, I was in grade 10. Every Diwali, my father would come home with huge assorted boxes of firecrackers for me and my siblings, which back then, we really enjoyed ourselves with. That year, there was something very uncommon and highly uncharacteristic that my school did before Diwali. Something that i had not even thought of in my so called 12 years of formal education until then. The school tried (I do not know how successfully, given everybody's attraction towards those assortments and crackers) to organize an Anti- Firecrackers campaign. My first reaction was - "the same old anti-pollution lessons". I really thought...